May, 2019
Anyone interested in registering for 2019 Bronco football/cheer. Cheer/football registration will be held every Monday and Wednesday at the Scotland Community center(upstairs), from 6-7:30........if you can not make it message us on here to set up arrangements.
.Football prices:
Smurf(ages 5-7)-$25.00
Peewee(ages 8-9)-$50.00
Pony(ages 10-11)-$50.00
Midget(ages 12-14)-Free
*. Be between the ages of 5 and 14 years. The age shall be determined on April 30th. If a player is 14 on April 30th the player is eligible. If a player is 15 on April 30th the player is ineligible. The player cannot be in 9th grade
Cheer Prices:
Smurf(ages 5-7)-$25.00
Peewee(ages 8-9)-$50.00
Pony(ages 10-11)-$50.00
Midget(ages 12-15)-Free
* Be between the ages of 5 and 14 and cannot be in the 9th grade. Any questions message us